
Kirkstall Art Trail is an annual celebration of art in the community, featuring local artists and creative organisations. For two days, venues throughout Kirkstall will host a variety of exhibitions, free workshops and activities suitable for all ages and abilities.

This installation is a novel web application (using the Web Audio API), running at a custom-made environment at the Kirstall Arts Trail in Leeds (UK). Participants were invited to contribute to the database. A sophisticated GUI was developed for this purpose. Participants recorded their memories and opinions of the area, the exhibits and their experiences. Retrieval of the information was achieved by taking a cursor across a map. The resulting sonic output was a novel and interesting journey through the recorded information based upon geographical location. Artists have requested use of the system for similar projects.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jul 2017
EventKirkstall Art Trail - Kirkstall, Leeds, United Kingdom
Duration: 15 Jul 201716 Jul 2017


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