Last Planner -tuotannonohjaus rakennustyömaalla

Translated title of the contribution: Last Planner production control on construction sites

Lauri Koskela, Anssi Koskenvesa

Research output: Book/ReportOther reportpeer-review


Last Planner, developed in the United States in the 1990's, is a method for production control on construction sites. Last Planner addresses short term planning and control of operations. The goal is to ensure, through different procedures and tools, that all the preconditions of a task exist when it is started, that the task can be executed without disturbances, and that it is completed according to the plan. The share of tasks completed as planned is monitored on a weekly basis. The reasons for lack of completion are investigated. By influencing the reasons found, an increase of the degree of realization of weekly plans is sought. One further element of the Last Planner method is rolling look-ahead planning, in which the preconditions for tasks are made ready for the next 4 - 6 weeks. The goal is to maintain a sufficient backlog of ready tasks. 

Last Planner production control is based on a new theoretical foundation. Production is conceptualized as flow, leading to an emphasis on reduction of uncertainty and on stemming the penalties of uncertainty. The primary concern of weekly planning is not merely, which tasks should be started according to higher-level plans, but also, which tasks can be started regarding their preconditions. The execution of weekly plans is seen to be based on a conversation, where the responsible person commits himself to the completion of a task as planned. Control is positioned as a starting-point for continuous improvement. 

During the last few years, Last Planner has been implemented systematically in a number of foreign contracting companies. The results have been most encouraging in regard to productivity, duration and safety. 

The results of an experimentation of Last Planner on four domestic construction sites are parallel to those abroad. The degree of realization of weekly plans clearly increased. Site personnel considered the method useful especially regarding that the quality level of task ready-making increased and that getting tasks completed in one pass became easier. Also, having reasons for lack of task completion was experienced useful, and it was seen to contribute to the elimination of problems. Taking the positive results of the experimentation and the foreign cases into account, the implementation of the Last Planner method is recommended in short term production control on construction sites in Finland.

Translated title of the contributionLast Planner production control on construction sites
Original languageFinnish
PublisherVTT Tiedotteita
Number of pages106
ISBN (Electronic) 9513861481
ISBN (Print)9513861473
Publication statusPublished - 21 May 2003
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameVTT Tiedotteita - Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus
ISSN (Print)1235-0605


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