Legal and Policy Provisions for Protecting Energy and Telecommunication Infrastructure Against Hazards: Comparison Between Sri Lanka and Other Countries

Maheshi Randeniya, Roshani Palliyaguru, Dilanthi Amaratunga

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


In the recent years, Sri Lanka’s focus on its infrastructure has grown due to its significance to the country’s economy, security, and quality of life. A resilient critical infrastructure system is crucial in reducing the impact of natural and human induced risks and weaknesses. In this context, comprehensive knowledge of a nation’s legal and policy framework would be of great assistance in building pathways towards strengthening the resilience of critical infrastructure systems. Concerning the need, this study aims to assess the ability of the existing legal and policy framework for complex, interdependent infrastructure systems in Sri Lanka to protect its energy and telecommunication infrastructure against natural and human-induced hazards. The objectives of the study include: (1) determining the existing legal and policy framework for energy, telecommunication infrastructure in Sri Lanka; and (2) comparing the legal and policy provisions for protecting these infrastructures against hazards in Sri Lanka with the international context. The study involved a comprehensive literature synthesis to understand the scope of critical infrastructure in the global context. Further, preliminary interviews were conducted to obtain the direction for the identification of the existing legal and policy framework related to the infrastructure sectors in Sri Lanka. Finally, the study examined the available provisions in the framework, alongside a desk study, to assess their effectiveness in safeguarding critical infrastructure. A comparison between Sri Lanka and the international context highlighted significant gaps in the legal and policy framework, particularly in terms of protecting the nation's infrastructure.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)700-711
Number of pages12
JournalWorld Construction Symposium
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jul 2023
Event11th World Construction Symposium - Colombo, Sri Lanka
Duration: 21 Jul 202322 Jul 2023
Conference number: 11

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