Nexus Between Higher Education Institutions and Coastal Resilience in Asia

Kinkini Hemachandra, Richard Haigh, Dilanthi Amaratunga

Research output: Contribution to conference typesAbstractpeer-review


Coastal hazards are becoming a major threat to coastal communities in Asia. In
addition to geophysical features, rising coastal population and rapid
development activities in the region, climate change also contributes to coastal
hazards in the region. Recent coastal hazards indicate an urgent call for more
comprehensive coastal risk reduction and resilience measures. Enhancing
coastal resilience, protection of more lives and properties are expected. The
study focusses on identifying ways in which higher education institutions can
contribute in ensuring coastal resilience in Asia. With this aim, the study
conducted a regional survey among experts who engage in disaster risk
reduction and resilience in Asia. An online survey was conducted and a
quantitative analysis was carried out. According to study results, higher
education institutions are expected to play a significant role in enhancing
resilience among communities, though their present level of engagement is at a
minimal level. Survey results revealed three forms of contribution towards
resilience: raising education and awareness, advocating evidence based policy
making and contribution to disaster risk related knowledge creation. The results
further reveal challenges among higher education institutions in Asia.
Accordingly, authors draw recommendations to overcome identified challenges
based on study results.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 13 Jan 2020
Event9th International Conference on Building Resilience - Bali, Indonesia
Duration: 13 Jan 202015 Jan 2020
Conference number: 9


Conference9th International Conference on Building Resilience
Abbreviated titleICBR'2020
Internet address


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