Novel Diagnosis Technologies for a Lack of Oil Lubrication in Gearmotor Systems, Based on Motor Current Signature Analysis

Mohamed Habib Farhat, Len Gelman, Gerard Conaghan, Winston Kluis, Andrew Ball

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5 Citations (Scopus)


Due to the wide use of gearmotor systems in industry, many diagnostic techniques have been developed/employed to prevent their failures. An insufficient lubrication of gearboxes of these machines could shorten their life and lead to catastrophic failures and losses, making it important to ensure a required lubrication level. For the first time in worldwide terms, this paper proposed to diagnose a lack of gearbox oil lubrication using motor current signature analysis (MCSA). This study proposed, investigated, and experimentally validated two new technologies to diagnose a lack of lubrication of gear motor systems based on MCSA. Two new diagnostic features were extracted from the current signals of a three-phase induction motor. The effectiveness of the proposed technologies was evaluated for different gear lubrication levels and was compared for three phases of motor current signals and for a case of averaging the proposed diagnostic features over three phases. The results confirmed a high effectiveness of the proposed technologies for diagnosing a lack of oil lubrication in gearmotor systems. Other contributions were as follows: (i) it was shown for the first time in worldwide terms, that the motor current nonlinearity level increases with the reduction of the sgearbox oil level; (ii) novel experimental validations of the proposed two diagnostic technologies via comprehensive experimental trials (iii) novel experimental comparisons of the diagnosis effectiveness of the proposed two diagnostic technologies.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9507
Number of pages28
Issue number23
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2022


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