Novel Research on a Fibration Knowledge-Based Solution for Engineered Surface Tolerances within the Modern GPS Context

Yuanping Xu, Paul J. Scott, Jiaoling Zheng

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Geometrical product specification and verification (GPS) is the only worldwide tolerancing specification language available for unambiguously communicating functional requirements and precisely expressing geometrical tolerances of workpieces on technical drawings. Although the understanding and application of GPS are of vital importance for modern manufacturing industry, the latest GPS standards contain huge amounts of data, information and knowledge that are obscurely linked together, so they are very difficult for designers, engineers and metrologists to understand, remember and comprehensively use them. This is especially true for surface texture that is one of the most complicated geometrical characteristics in GPS domain. To overcome the implementation barrier of GPS surface texture, a novel knowledge-based solution supported formally by a unified knowledge modeling of the complete GPS surface texture standard chain has been researched. This knowledge model can serve as a formal basis for developing more intelligent and reliable tolerance design and measurement systems. This paper starts with an introduction on how to build up a formal knowledge model based on category theory, called categorical fibration model, to unified acquisition and representation of all surface texture knowledge. It then moves on to define a recursive knowledge refinement process for the devised model to enable the recursive multi-level GPS knowledge transformations and refinements. This knowledge model is validated naturally by checking rules identified from category theoretic notions. Finally, this paper presents a general framework for applying the modeled GPS knowledge in practice, from the aspects of the integrated and complete modeling of all surface texture knowledge, detailed knowledge acquisition and modeling examples for four sub-knowledge bases of the proposed software solution, core functional features of this software, and a comprehensive case study for testing its validity and usability. This knowledge-based solution facilitates life cycle collaboration and integration of the complete GPS surface texture chain to reduce product development cost and lead time, and to ensure functional requirements of geometrical workpieces.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)845-895
Number of pages51
JournalInternational Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2016


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