Opinion Mining: Using Machine Learning Techniques

Vijender Kumar Solanki , Zhongyu Lou

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The machine learning is the emerging research domain, from which number of emerging trends are available, among them opinion mining is the one technology attraction through which the we could get analysis of the interested domain or we can say about the review from the customer towards any product or we can say any upcoming trending information. These two are the emerging words and we can say it's the buzz word in the information technology. As you will see that its widely use by the corporate sector to uplift the business next level. Before two decade you will not read any words e.g., Opinion mining or Sentiment analysis, but in the last two decade these words have given a new life to information technology domain as well as to the business. The important question which runs in the mind is why use sentiment analysis or opinion mining. The information technology has given number of new programming languages, new innovation and within that the data mining has given this trends to the users. The chapter is covering the three major concept's which comes under the machine learning e.g., Decision tree, Bayesian network and Support vector machine. The chapter is describing the basic inputs, and how it helps in supporting stakeholders by adopting these technologies.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationExtracting Knowledge From Opinion Mining
EditorsRashmi Agrawal , Neha Gupta
PublisherIGI Global
Number of pages17
ISBN (Electronic)9781522561187
ISBN (Print)9781522561170
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2019


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