Performance Analysis and Evaluation of Geometric Parameters in Stereo Deflectometry

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This paper presents a novel geometric parameters analysis to improve the measurement accuracy of stereo deflectometry. Stereo deflectometry can be used to obtain form information for freeform specular surfaces. A measurement system based on stereo deflectometry typically consists of a fringe-displaying screen, a main camera, and a reference camera. The arrangement of the components of a stereo deflectometry system is important for achieving high-accuracy measurements. In this paper, four geometric parameters of a stereo deflectometry system are analyzed and evaluated: the distance between the main camera and the measured object surface, the angle between the main camera ray and the surface normal, the distance between the fringe-displaying screen and the object, and the angle between the main camera and the reference camera. The influence of the geometric parameters on the measurement accuracy is evaluated. Experiments are performed using simulated and experimental data. The experimental results confirm the impact of these parameters on the measurement accuracy. A measurement system based on the proposed analysis has been set up to measure a stock concave mirror. Through a comparison of the given surface parameters of the concave mirror, a global measurement accuracy of 154.2 nm was achieved.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)806-815
Number of pages10
Issue number6
Early online date3 Nov 2018
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2018


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