Power function-based Gini indices: New sparsity measures using power function-based quasi-arithmetic means for bearing condition monitoring

Bingyan Chen, Fengshou Gu, Weihua Zhang, Dongli Song, Yao Cheng, Zewen Zhou

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9 Citations (Scopus)


The Gini index (GI), GI II, and GI III are proven to be effective sparsity measures in the fields of machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis, and they can be reformulated as the ratio of different quasi-arithmetic means (RQAM). Under this framework, generalized Gini indices (GGIs) have been developed for sparse quantification by applying nonlinear weights to GI, and another generalized form of GI, referred to here as power function-based Gini indices I (PFGI1s), has been introduced by using power function as the generator of quasi-arithmetic means. The GGIs with different weight parameters exhibit reliable sparse quantization capability for repetitive transient features, while their repetitive transient discriminability is lower than kurtosis and negentropy under noise contamination. PFGI1 achieves enhanced repetitive transient discriminability with increasing power exponent, showing the advantage of the generalization approach. In this paper, based on RQAM, a single-parameter generalization method for generating PFGI1s is introduced into GI II and GI III from the perspective of the quasi-arithmetic mean generator, which leads to the power function-based Gini indices II and III (PFGI2s and PFGI3s) constructed from GI II and GI III, respectively. Mathematical derivation proves that PFGI2s and PFGI3s satisfy at least five of six typical attributes of sparsity measures and are two new families of sparsity measures. Simulation analysis shows that, similar to PFGI1s, PFGI2s and PFGI3s can monotonically estimate the sparsity of the data sequence and can simultaneously achieve strong random transient resistibility and high repetitive transient discriminability compared with traditional sparsity measures. The experimental results of bearing run-to-failure demonstrate that PFGI1s, PFGI2s, and PFGI3s with appropriate power exponents can effectively quantify the repetitive transient features caused by bearing faults and can accurately characterize the bearing degradation status compared with the state-of-the-art sparsity measures.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3677-3706
Number of pages30
JournalStructural Health Monitoring
Issue number6
Early online date4 Mar 2023
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2023


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