RE: Covid-19: trials of four potential treatments to generate “robust data” of what works

Hamid Merchant

Research output: Contribution to journalLetterpeer-review


WHO’s Solidarity Trial is warmly welcomed by the international community in response to the global CoViD-19 pandemic crises. It is however criticized that WHO's response was too slow in responding to the global crises. The lack of reliable guidelines for the clinical management of CoViD-19 resulted in the emergence of various poorly designed trials or rather ‘reports of clinical use’ appreciating the emergency response of clinicians across the world to save critically ill CoViD-19 patients fighting for their life.
The launch of WHO's Solidarity Trial came as good news for many, the public in general and clinicians in particular who are at the front line to manage these crises. WHO mentioned in their press release to test 4 different drugs or their combinations to roll out across the world, 45 countries and counting. The availability of four drugs or their combination through a multinational trial brought great hope for the CoViD-19 patients and their families [1].
We had a closer look at the Solidarity Trial ( Identifier: NCT04321616) to review the details of the trial design and the drugs and combinations included in the trial [2]. We stumbled over various questions that are listed below in this article for the interest of the clinicians and healthcare researchers.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberm1206/rr-1
Number of pages1
JournalThe BMJ
Publication statusPublished - 4 Apr 2020


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