Rockin' Out: Popular Music in the USA

Reebee Garofalo, Steve Waksman

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


REVELTM for Rockin' Out: Popular Music In the U.S.A. analyzes the music and business of rock ‘n’ roll. Covering topics such as the rise of television idols, the proliferation of alternative sounds, and the influence of digital production techniques, this comprehensive, introductory text takes readers from the invention of the phonograph to the promise of the Internet. Joining longtime author Reebee Garofalo for the Sixth Edition, co-author Steve Waksman — professor at Smith College and heavily published rock scholar — has thoroughly revised each chapter to include new research and more current literature.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherPearson, United Kingdom
Number of pages368
ISBN (Print)9780134415017
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jul 2016
Externally publishedYes

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