Rooted and Established

Chara Lewis (Artist), Kristin Mojsiewicz (Artist), Anneke Pettican (Artist)

Research output: Non-textual formArtefact


Selective Laser Sintering, nylon prime part
Meadow Arts commission, 2009
The three miniature figures that compose ‘Rooted and Established’ stand gracefully on the shelves of the slender Gothic mirrors of the Ante-room, framed by their columns and canopies.

Despite their decorative air of porcelain ornaments, the figurines - like ‘Witness Tree’ in the walled garden - were made using the latest body scanning technology and 3D imaging software. They are the exact images of the three artists.

As if contemplating their own transformation into small trees, they are twisting to glimpse their reflection in the tarnished antique mirrors. Narcissus-like they are rooted in one place, eternally self-regarding and absorbed by their own reflection.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2009


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  • Tell it to the Trees

    Lewis, C., Mojsiewicz, K. & Pettican, A., 2009

    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition

  • Witness Tree

    Lewis, C., Mojsiewicz, K. & Pettican, A., 2009

    Research output: Non-textual formArtefact

  • To Suspend the Breath

    Lewis, C., Mojsiewicz, K. & Pettican, A., 2008

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