Safeguarding in Practice

Amanda Crow, Lindsey Watson

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This chapter provides an understanding of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people through the eyes of a more experienced practitioner. The law relating to safeguarding children is constantly being revised and updated; therefore, keeping in touch with changes in legislation must be an integral aspect of practitioner’s safeguarding training, both in the setting and throughout their academic studies. The chapter explores the concept of early intervention and partnership in early years practice. The 'Cleveland Inquiry' highlighted a number of concerns, in particular that professionals, through their work in supporting families and providing strategies for intervention, had been overzealous and acted in a potentially inappropriate way. The chapter focuses on a number of contemporary issues and their impact on early child development. All children have an entitlement to access universal children's services during their early years, and services must, according to Dame Claire Tickell, have a clear strategy to support child development.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdvanced Work-based Practice in the Early Years
Subtitle of host publicationA Guide for Students
EditorsSamantha McMahon, Mary Dyer
Place of PublicationOxon
Number of pages15
ISBN (Electronic)9781351181648
ISBN (Print)9780815396550, 9780815396567
Publication statusPublished - 20 Aug 2018


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