Significance of the Nudiform and Tectiform Modes of Silica Deposition, Lorica Assembly and Cell Division in Choanoflagellates as Exemplified by Stephanoeca diplocostata and Enibas spp.

Barry S.c. Leadbeater, Martin Carr

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


The deposition of silicified costal strips and lorica assembly in choanoflagellates is precisely linked to the cell cycle. A minority of species undergo nudiform division whereby a loricate cell divides to produce a naked daughter cell that deposits a set of costal strips and then assembles a lorica. Most species undergo tectiform division whereby a parent loricate cell produces a set of costal strips, divides and passes on the stored strips to a daughter cell that immediately assembles a lorica. Many phylogenetic analyses recover nudiform and tectiform species as sister-clades giving the impression that they are distinct evolutionary lineages. However, the tectiform species Stephanoeca diplocostata is capable of undergoing nudiform division and depositing costal strips and assembling a lorica with certain modifications in a nudiform manner. The recent discovery of a new genus, Enibas, comprising species with Stephanoeca-like loricae that undergo nudiform cell division and on phylogenetic analysis occur as a sister group to other nudiform species has drawn attention to whether there are also unique features in lorica construction. A range of Enibas loricae is illustrated and it appears that there are unique features which might be interpreted as being derived from a Stephanoeca-like ancestor.

Original languageEnglish
Article number125923
Number of pages20
Issue number6
Early online date10 Nov 2022
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2022


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