Simultaneous Constant Velocity Measurement of the Motion Errors of Linear Axes

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1 Citation (Scopus)


The current standard for machine tool calibration supports the use of quasi-static measurement techniques. When measuring the six degrees of freedom motion errors, the measurements are typically taken consecutively. This introduces uncertainty when comparing the results due to machine deformation during individual measurements. Furthermore, Quasi-static measurement techniques are known to be time consuming, a problem that is exacerbated as each degree of freedom must be measured separately. Additionally, the spatial resolution between the selected target positions can have an impact on calibration quality. In the following paper, the benefits of measuring the six motion errors simultaneously while the axis under test is traversing at a nominally constant velocity is presented. Firstly, the motivation for simultaneous continuous capture is presented. Secondly, continuous motion measurements are compared with quasi-static measurements for the six-degrees-of-freedom motion errors showing sub-micrometre and sub-arcsecond correlation. The full effect of a ballscrew pitch error is shown which can be missed using traditional quasi-static measurement techniques. Finally, wavelet analysis is performed for further spatial diagnostics along with correlation coefficients calculated to quantify the linear dependency between the six error motions.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)417-428
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Journal of Automation Technology
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 5 May 2020


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