Stolen Dreams or Collateral Damage: Climate and Economic Growth in Time of COVID-19

Hany Abdel-Latif, Hala Abou-Ali, Yasmine Abdelfatah, Nada Rostom, Said Kaawach

Research output: Working paperPreprint


This paper investigates the coupled dynamics of climate and growth in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, considering exogenous shocks such as the COVID-19, with no presumptions on the direction of causality. We utilise temperature and precipitation departures from their historical trends to quantify climate change. We estimate country-specific and panel vector autoregressive models with exogenous variables to supplement existing attempts that integrate climate change in economic modelling. Our findings lend evidence to the interrelation between climate change and economic growth without ruling out bi-directional causality, a reality that many climate studies tend to overlook.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages21
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2021


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