Tackling musculoskeletal problems: a guide for the clinic and workplace - identifying obstacles using the psychosocial flags framework

Nicholas Kendall, Anthony Burton, Chris J. Main, Paul Watson

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Most people experience musculoskeletal problems some time during their lifetime. This practical guide is aimed at everyone involved in tackling musculoskeletal problems in healthcare and the workplace. It explores the problems and solutions, sets out the steps that need to be taken and, importantly who needs to take them, and when. The two main environments where musculoskeletal problems can be tackled are healthcare and the workplace, so the key players for this title are: Healthcare: primary care practitioners, occupational health professionals, therapists, rehabilitation providers, service managers, commissioners. Workplace: line managers/supervisors, senior management, human resources, health & safety advisors. Allied players: other people that will also find this guide useful include claims handlers, insurers, lawyers, case managers, employment advisors, trainers, policy makers. The essence of tackling musculoskeletal problems is not so much what has happened, but how to facilitate recovery and return to work. Flags are warning signals that psychosocial factors in or around the individual are acting as obstacles to their recovery. Throughout this guide colour-coded flags help identify key features of a person, their pain problem and how they interact with the world around them. In identifying the key obstacles to recovery and return to work, this guide assists in developing a plan that addresses specific problems and provides a timeline for recovery.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages34
ISBN (Print)9780117037892
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jul 2009


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