The development of advanced creep constitutive equations for high chromium steel P91 at low stress range

Lili An, Qiang Xu, Zhongyu Lou

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Diffusion dominates the creep deformation at low stress range for high chromium steel P91. Brittle creep fracture is caused by cavity nucleation, growth and coalescence of cavities and large precipitates (Laves phase and M23C6) at grain boundary under low stress range. At low stress range, a linear relation between strain at failure and different stresses has been described. Moreover, the minimum strain rate is also proportional to the different stresses.

The new set of constitutive equations model should describe the microstructure evolutions of M23C6 carbides and Laves phase, the linear relationships between strain rate and stress, strain at failure and stress. The both influence of stress and microstructural changes is regarded as the new failure criterion. Three aspects of novelty for the new set of constitutive equations model have been considered in this paper. The further work should focus on the form and validation of the new set of constitutive equations model.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication6th International “HIDA” Conference
Subtitle of host publicationLife/Defect Assessment & Failures in High Temperature Plant
EditorsA. Shibli
PublisherETD Ltd, UK
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Event6th International High-temperature Defect Assessment (HIDA) Conference: Life/Defect Assessment & Failures in High Temperature Plant - Crown Plaza ANA Hotel, Glover Hill, Nagasaki, Japan
Duration: 2 Dec 20134 Dec 2013
Conference number: 6


Conference6th International High-temperature Defect Assessment (HIDA) Conference
Abbreviated titleHIDA-6
Internet address


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