The Power of Reformulation: From Validation to Planning in PDDL+

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


PDDL+ allows the formal specification of systems representing mixed discrete-continuous representation, under both a discrete and a continuous dynamics; this expressiveness is pivotal in real-world applications. An important aspect is the capability of validating plans obtained by planning systems, and assessing their compliance against the domain’s model. Unfortunately, a very limited number of validation tools are capable of dealing with PDDL+ tasks. To overcome this problem, in this work we propose an approach that allows to exploit any domain-independent PDDL+ or PDDL2.1 planning engine for validating PDDL+ plans. We introduce a set of translations that, given a PDDL+ plan and the corresponding PDDL+ task, generate a new PDDL+ or PDDL2.1 whose solvability is bound to the validity of the considered plan. We empirically evaluate the usefulness of the proposed approach on a range of PDDL+ benchmarks under an interpretation of time that can be either continuous (through a PDDL+ translation) and discrete (through a PDDL+ or a PDDL2.1 translation).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Thirty-second International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling: (ICAPS 2022)
EditorsAkshat Kumar, Sylvie Thiébaux, Pradeep Varakantham, William Yeoh
PublisherAssociation for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
Number of pages9
ISBN (Print)9781577358749
Publication statusPublished - 13 Jun 2022
Event32nd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling - Virtual, Online
Duration: 13 Jun 202224 Jun 2022
Conference number: 32

Publication series

NameProceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
PublisherAssociation for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
ISSN (Print)2334-0843
ISSN (Electronic)2334-0835


Conference32nd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
Abbreviated titleICAPS 2022
CityVirtual, Online
Internet address


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