The Time Project

Lou Patel (Designer), Michelle Reynolds (Designer), Natalie Grant (Designer), Rowan Aust (Designer), Jon Swords (Designer), Anna Ozimek (Designer)

Research output: Non-textual formWeb publication/site


The Time Project is a smart, new way of tracking the hours we work in film and TV.

Conceived and managed by Share My Telly Job, The Time Project was created to continue our work to make television a more sustainable and inclusive industry. As telly people, we have seen how working hours are linked to burnout, failures of diversity, the loss of women in the industry, career stagnation and poor mental health. We know this is true of film as well as TV.

This culture of overwork has got worse during COVID, with increasing fast turn around and budgets further squeezed. This means we are gifting more of our personal time to productions than ever before. Budget cuts are felt by the people making the shows through longer hours, and this has to stop.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUniversity of York
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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