The year's work in stylistics 2009

Dan McIntyre

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2 Citations (Scopus)


I have shaped this year's review around the notion of stylistics as a prototypical concept, and no doubt my view of the discipline will not be shared by everyone. Nonetheless, the eclecticism of stylistics (cf. the fragmentation of English Studies noted by West, 2008) is undoubtedly one of its strengths. I should note, of course, that this review is a personal selection of what, for me, was the most interesting work in stylistics and related areas in 2009. Such an article can never be comprehensive and readers may like to compare this review with Rocío Montoro's (forthcoming) summary of research in stylistics from 2009 in The Year's Work in English Studies. As a final point, anyone working in the Humanities and Social Sciences will be used to having to defend the value of what they do from time to time. For those (hopefully rare!) occasions when the point of it all eludes you, my last recommendation from 2009 is David Crystal's Just a Phrase I'm Going Through (2009). This refreshing and uplifting book is an autobiography focusing on Crystal's life in linguistics and leaves you feeling that there is no more valuable way to spend your days than studying language.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)396-411
Number of pages16
JournalLanguage and Literature
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2010


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