Track loading limits and cross-acceptance of vehicle approvals

Bridget Eickhoff, Laura Mazzola, Yann Bezin, Gareth Tucker, Hinnerk Stradtmann, Andreas Haigermoser, Hugues Chollet, Jeremy Landais

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8 Citations (Scopus)


The requirements for track loading limits are one of the main barriers to simple cross-acceptance of vehicles where rolling stock that is already operating successfully in one (or more) networks has to be retested before it can be approved for operation on another network. DynoTRAIN Work Package 4 studied this area in order to determine whether the additional requirements were justified, or if the process could be made much cheaper and simpler without increasing the risk of track deterioration for the networks. The review of national requirements identified modified criteria and limit values for track forces in some member states; however, these can be obtained from additional analysis of the normal test results with no new tests required. The influence of design rail inclination has also been found not to be significant, provided a realistic range of wheel-rail contact conditions are included in the tests. For line speeds greater than or equal to 160€‰km/h, the current standards for track construction across the member states appear to be similar. On lower speed lines in some countries, a €weaker€™ track condition may require a lower limit on one of the vehicle assessment parameters. Track dynamics modelling has shown that the vehicle assessment parameters used in international standards are suitable for use in cross-acceptance for track forces. The use of multiple regression analysis allows the estimated maximum value for relevant parameters to be evaluated for different target conditions and then compared with the appropriate limit value, or with values for existing, comparable vehicles. Guidance has also been provided on the relevant parameters to consider when developing operating controls for different types of track deterioration.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)710-728
Number of pages19
JournalProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit
Issue number6
Early online date30 Mar 2015
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2015


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