Trust and Risk Relationship Analysis on a Workflow Basis: A Use Case

Valentina Viduto, Karim Djemame, Paul Townend, Jie Xu, Sarah Fores, Lydia Lau, Vania Dimitrova, Martyn Fletcher, Stephen Hobson, Jim Austin, John McAvoy, Charlie E. Dibsdale

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Trust and risk are often seen in proportion to each other; as such, high trust may induce low risk and vice versa. However, recent research argues that trust and risk relationship is implicit rather than proportional. Considering that trust and risk are implicit, this paper proposes for the first time a novel approach to view trust and risk on a basis of a W3C PROV provenance data model applied in a healthcare domain. We argue that high trust in healthcare domain can be placed in data despite of its high risk, and low trust data can have low risk depending on data quality attributes and its provenance. This is demonstrated by our trust and risk models applied to the BII case study data. The proposed theoretical approach first calculates risk values at each workflow step considering PROV concepts and second, aggregates the final risk score for the whole provenance chain. Different from risk model, trust of a workflow is derived by applying DS/AHP method. The results prove our assumption that trust and risk relationship is implicit.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection
EditorsJaime Lloret Mauri, Constantion Paleologu
Place of PublicationParis, France
PublisherInternational Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA)
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)9781612083629
Publication statusPublished - 20 Jul 2014
Externally publishedYes
Event9th International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection - Paris, France
Duration: 20 Jul 201424 Jul 2014
Conference number: 9 (Link to Conference Website)


Conference9th International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection
Abbreviated titleICIMP 2014
Internet address


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