Twin boundary-accelerated ferritization of austenitic stainless steels in liquid lead-bismuth eutectic

P. Hosemann, D. Frazer, E. Stergar, K. Lambrinou

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92 Citations (Scopus)


Exposure of austenitic stainless steels to liquid lead-bismuth eutectic with low concentration of dissolved oxygen typically results in selective leaching of highly-soluble alloying elements and ferritization of the dissolution-affected zone. In this work, focused ion beam, transmission electron backscatter diffraction and scanning transmission electron microscopy were utilized to elucidate early-stage aspects of the dissolution corrosion process of cold-worked austenitic stainless steels exposed to static, oxygen-poor liquid lead-bismuth eutectic at 450 °C for 1000 h. It was found that deformation-induced twin boundaries in the cold-worked steel bulk provide paths of accelerated penetration of the liquid metal into the steel bulk.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)37-40
Number of pages4
JournalScripta Materialia
Early online date24 Mar 2016
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2016
Externally publishedYes


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