Ultralow energy ion beam surface modification of low density polyethylene

Martyn J. Shenton, James W. Bradley, Jaap A. Van Den Berg, David G. Armour, Gary C. Stevens

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10 Citations (Scopus)


Ultralow energy Ar+ and O+ ion beam irradiation of low density polyethylene has been carried out under controlled dose and monoenergetic conditions. XPS of Ar+-treated surfaces exposed to ambient atmosphere show that the bombardment of 50 eV Ar+ ions at a total dose of 1016 cm-2 gives rise to very reactive surfaces with oxygen incorporation at about 50% of the species present in the upper surface layer. Using pure O+ beam irradiation, comparatively low O incorporation is achieved without exposure to atmosphere (∼13% O in the upper surface). However, if the surface is activated by Ar+ pretreatment, then large oxygen contents can be achieved under subsequent O + irradiation (up to 48% O). The results show that for very low energy (20 eV) oxygen ions there is a dose threshold of about 5 × 10 15 cm-2 before surface oxygen incorporation is observed. It appears that, for both Ar+ and O+ ions in this regime, the degree of surface modification is only very weakly dependent on the ion energy. The results suggest that in the nonequilibrium plasma treatment of polymers, where the ion flux is typically 1018 m-2 s -1, low energy ions (<50 eV) may be responsible for surface chemical modification.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)22085-22088
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry B
Issue number47
Early online date5 Nov 2005
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2005
Externally publishedYes


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