Use and validation of a survey tool to measure the perceived effectiveness of insulin‐prescribing safety interventions in UK hospitals

A. Bain, S.s. Hasan, S. Kavanagh, Z.‐u.‐d. Babar

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Aims: To describe the use and validation of a survey tool to elicit the opinion of hospital pharmacists and medicines safety officers in the UK regarding the perceived effectiveness of strategies to improve insulin prescribing safety in hospitals. Methods: One respondent from each participating organization completed the survey on behalf of the main acute hospital in their trust (n = 92). A five-point Likert scale was used to determine opinion on how effective 22 different interventions were at promoting insulin safety at the respondent’s trust. The tool, the Perception of Effectiveness of Prescribing Safety Interventions for Insulin (PEPSII) questionnaire, underwent content validity testing. The reliability was estimated using Cronbach’s alpha (α). Results: The PEPSII questionnaire demonstrated good reliability (α = 0.867). Outreach team review and mandatory insulin education were the highest-scoring interventions; the insulin passport was amongst the lowest scoring interventions. Most interventions were considered more effective by trusts using them compared to those who didn't, except for self-administration policies, electronic prescribing and the insulin passport. Conclusions: The perceived effectiveness of a variety of insulin prescribing safety strategies in UK hospitals was described by leveraging a purposely developed survey tool. The results describe current levels of support for recommended interventions, and may facilitate the direction of both local and national insulin prescribing safety improvement efforts.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2027-2034
Number of pages8
JournalDiabetic Medicine
Issue number12
Early online date26 Jun 2020
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2020


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