
Ventilation Dress II takes the form of an auxiliary ventilation fan. The flowered pattern design is the same as that on a dress worn by the 1972 National Coal Queen to the National Coal Mining Reunion in 1976.

Noise abatement regulations led to the replacement of the ventilation fan at Snibston colliery in Leicestershire. While this ‘silent fan’ was being fitted the National Coal Queen Margaret Dominiak was wearing a new blue floral nylon dress. Claire Barber states: ‘The blue floral dress and the silent fan act as a plinth to each other. Both elements are borne from the concept of inducing fresh air into miner’s lives.’

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jul 2016
EventDa Vinci Engineered: Renaissance Mechanics to Contemporary Art - Zebedee's Yard, Hull, United Kingdom
Duration: 2 Jul 201621 Aug 2016
http://amyjohnsonartstrust.co.uk/whats-on/da-vinci-engineered/ (Link to Exhibition Details)


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