Vibration Based Virtual Sensing of Nitrogen Oxide Emission in CI Engines

Guoxing Li, Ahmed Elmi Sahal, Fengshou Gu, Tie Wang, Wenlong Zhang, Tiantian Hu, Tiantian Yang

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


In addition to solid legal basis and strong regulatory authority, comprehensive and robust test techniques that reflect real-driving and in-use vehicle emissions are also key elements for achieving ever strict environmental requirements. However, most of the existing portable emissions measurement systems (PEMS) is expensive and bulky, making it impractical to roll out to the vehicle market. The combustion behavior is one of the most important excitation sources of engine vibration and noise emissions. By analyzing structural vibrations, it is possible to assess the in-cylinder combustion conditions, which in turn makes it possible to evaluate the NOx emissions (closely related to combustion temperature) and to achieve cost-effective non-intrusive on-line monitoring of engine in real-driving emissions (RDE). Firstly, a time-frequency reconstruction method is used to estimate second derivative of in-cylinder pressure curve based on measured vibration signal. Good consistency between reconstructed second derivative of in-cylinder pressure curve and measured curve con-firms the rationality of the proposed reconstruction method. Then, a virtual sensing method for NOx emissions using principal component regression (PCR) analysis with reconstructed in-cylinder pressure curve from measured structural vibrations has been presented. The results show that the PCR models have a good prediction of NOx emissions under various operating conditions. The coefficient of determination (R2) between the predicted value and the measured value is 0.971–0.995.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of IncoME-V & CEPE Net-2020
Subtitle of host publicationCondition Monitoring, Plant Maintenance and Reliability
EditorsDong Zhen, Dong Wang, Tianyang Wang, Hongjun Wang, Baoshan Huang, Jyoti K. Sinha, Andrew David Ball
Place of PublicationCham
PublisherSpringer Nature Switzerland AG
Number of pages11
ISBN (Electronic)9783030757939
ISBN (Print)9783030757922
Publication statusPublished - 16 May 2021
Event5th International Conference on Maintenance Engineering and the 2020 Annual Conference of the Centre for Efficiency and Performance Engineering Network - Zhuhai, China
Duration: 23 Oct 202025 Oct 2020
Conference number: 5

Publication series

NameMechanisms and Machine Science
ISSN (Print)2211-0984
ISSN (Electronic)2211-0992


Conference5th International Conference on Maintenance Engineering and the 2020 Annual Conference of the Centre for Efficiency and Performance Engineering Network
Abbreviated titleIncoME-V and CEPE Net-2020
Internet address


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