Walk With Me: A Sound Installation

Anna Powell (Producer), Louise Platt (Producer), Alessia Anastassopulos (Artist)

Research output: Non-textual formArtefact


‘Family Routes: Creating Connection through Walking’ sets out to:

Explore the everyday walking practices of families.
Identify the place-based challenges families face when it comes to mobility.
Capture the walking experiences of families and their impact on wellbeing through creative methods.

As part of the project Dr Alessia Anastassopulos, a sound artist, created a beautiful interactive sound installation which uses found objects and summons the imaginative elements of the children’s walks.

The piece invites you to follow your own path through the installation and create the sounds that you might hear on a walk or trace path ways with found objects from man-made to natural.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputInstallation
Publication statusPublished - 11 Nov 2024

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