The Musicians’ Union conducted an informal survey in 2018 and concluded that only 11% of the musicians working within the West End pit orchestras were female and in 2023 celebrated that this had increased to 27% (Musicians’ Union, 2018; Musicians’ Union 2023). However, the statistics are informal and unvalidated, and do not reflect a gender diverse workforce. As a young, female musician aspiring to work in the pit orchestras, it quickly became apparent that the industry was dominated by men. This sparked a drive to research and investigate if my perception was in fact true – that the West End was a Man’s World. This research project uses a combined methodology of statistical analysis and ethnography through an online survey and semi-structured interviews. Statistics were gathered through archival research and collection of data from a range of historical programmes. The online survey engaged with a wide range of musicians currently working in the musical theatre industry, and further interviews were undertaken with nine musicians and Musical Directors. The survey responses and interviews provided insight into the perceptions of those actively working within the pit orchestras, the ‘men’s club’ culture, the lack of role models and issues within the education system. Key themes are drawn together and conclude that the factors affecting gender diversity are complex and multi-faceted.