NOx Reduction in a Diesel Engine by use of a Turbo-Expander

  • Jordan Brace

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This report is a summary of the research conducted on how a turbo-expander (TEX) affects the nitrogen oxide emissions from a diesel engine. This research involved mapping a TEX supplied by Air Cycle Technologies (ACT) and creating a full calculation to show how the air flows through a diesel engine, and the changes that occur during each of the steps. This calculation was represented in graphical format to show that the intake manifold air temperature would reduce by a maximum of 34℃ while only reducing engine power by a maximum of 8%.The engine used for testing, the JCB TCA-74, was run through a testing procedure to collect baseline data to assess the engine condition, the TEX was then fitted, and the data compared to the baseline testing. This data showed the TEX was able to reduce the intake manifold air temperature of the JCB engine by 30℃ at full load conditions. This reduction in intake manifold air temperature leads to a reduction in the 〖NO〗_X emissions by 60 % at full load. The testing showed how the specific fuel consumption and fuel flow remained consistent through 100 Nm to 300 Nm, however the engine was not able to produce a torque of 400 Nm, meaning the power of the engine was reduced by 10 % when the TEX was fitted. Therefore, the specific fuel consumption also increased at peak load.
Date of Award15 Jun 2023
Original languageEnglish
SupervisorJohn Allport (Main Supervisor) & Helen Miao (Co-Supervisor)

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