Stellar per-formations at the edge of the collapse

  • Angela Hoyos Gomez

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


This project brings together my practice as a sonic poet and my deep interest in astronomy. It results from collaborations with international artists working in electronic music, media art, dance, and visual arts, forming dynamic constellations to address the creative research process. I invited my collaborators to engage in a process in which we collectively developed multifaceted artworks using our individual disciplines. Phenomena attracting our attention were explored from multiple entry points, shaping pieces that involve scientific ideas and data about the universe in innovative multimedia formats. These collaborative works are nurtured by cultural and gender diversity, illuminating co-creativity in partnerships and in cross-disciplinary teams. The investigation is focused on proposing creative frameworks, within a relational ontology, connecting sound poetry as a vibrant, sprouting field, and stellar evolution, the process by which stars form and change over time. The hypothesis underlying the project is that physical, organic, and cultural, processes mirror each other at different scales. Four sound works have been developed exploring how voice, body movement, sound spatialisation technologies, and stellar metaphors can produce in synergy creative environments. The four works are grouped in the portfolio in two sets of sister pieces: “Vira realis” and “Quantoum lullaby”, involving visuals and body movement; and the multi-channel works “Conjunction podcast” and “Fusing étoilium”, presented as acousmatic pieces and as installation art works. The stellar metaphors emerging from the practice-based research are mapped onto a set of integrative strategies named sonic embeddings/embodyings, aural/oral inhabit-ings and stellar nexus that will hopefully inspire scientific curiosity and aesthetic discovery.
Date of Award20 Dec 2024
Original languageEnglish
SponsorsMinisterio de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación de la República de Colombia
SupervisorCatherine Haworth (Main Supervisor) & Rupert Till (Co-Supervisor)

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